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位置:北京语言培训问答 > 北京英语培训问答 > 英语四级新闻听力文章分享-英语四六级


日期:2019-08-20 18:34:12     浏览:299    来源:天才领路者
核心提示: 下面小编跟大家一起了解英语四级新闻听力文章分享,希望对大家的学习有所帮助。 1. A.24satellites B.Anatomicclock. C.Asolarsailproject.&

  下面小编跟大家一起了解英语四级新闻听力文章分享,希望对大家的学习有所帮助。   1.   A. 24 satellites   B. An atomic clock.   C. A solar sail project.   D. Astronauts.   2.   A. The U.S. Department of Defense.   B. The U.S. space agency NASA   C. American space company SpaceX.   D. American universities.   二、听力文本   American space company SpaceX has successfully launched its large Falcon Heavy rocket on a flight to deploy 24 satellites. The rocket lifted off early Tuesday morning from Florida's Kennedy Space Center. The Falcon Heavy is considered the world's most powerful operating rocket. It was the third successful flight of a Falcon Heavy rocket. The U.S. Department of Defense ordered the current mission. The satellites will be used for experiments involving several U.S. government agencies, as well as some university projects. SpaceX uses reusable rockets to reduce the cost of space travel for its customers. These include government and military agencies, the U.S. space agency NASA and private companies. In addition to the satellites, the Falcon Heavy carried an atomic clock built by NASA, a solar sail project and even human ashes. The Deep Space Atomic Clock is a technology experiment aimed at giving spacecraft self-flying abilities in the future. The solar sail project was led by the U.S.-based Planetary Society. The goal of the group's LightSail is to become the first orbiting spacecraft to be powered completely by sunlight. The Falcon Heavy is the most powerful rocket in use today. Each first-stage booster has nine engines, for a total of 27 firing at the same time during liftoff. SpaceX says the rocket has the ability to lift nearly 64 metric tons into orbit.

英语四级新闻听力文章分享   英语四六级

  Question 1: According to the news report, which of the following items is not taken by the Falcon Heavy rocket?   Question 2. According to the news report, which of the following ordered the current mission?   三、重点词汇   1. deploy: to move soldiers or equipment to a place where they can be used when they are needed 部署;调动   2. atomic: relating to atoms原子的   3. booster: an engine on a spacecraft that gives extra power for the first part of a flight (航天器的)推进器   四、背景知识   美国SpaceX(太空探索)公司于当地时间周二在佛罗里达州的肯尼迪太空中心发射了一枚“猎鹰重型”运载火箭,将美国空军的24颗科研和气象观测卫星送入轨道。SpaceX或将借此次成功吸引到很多美国国防部的卫星发射订单。当日的发射是SpaceX的“猎鹰重型”运载火箭一、次将美国空军的卫星送入太空,这也是美国空军的卫星一、次由可回收使用的火箭发射升空。此次发射,除了将24颗卫星送入太空,“猎鹰重型”运载火箭还携带了深空原子钟,太阳帆以及人类遗迹。   五、参考答案   Question 1. D   Question 2. A

