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位置:北京语言培训问答 > 北京英语培训问答 > 考研英语翻译之锻炼身体-考研初试


日期:2019-09-02 11:16:08     浏览:497    来源:天才领路者
核心提示: 下面小编跟大家一起了解考研英语翻译:锻炼身体分享,希望对大家的学习有所帮助。 (5)Writeanessayof160-200wordsbasedonthefollowingdrawing.Inyouressay

  下面小编跟大家一起了解考研英语翻译:锻炼身体分享,希望对大家的学习有所帮助。   (5) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:   1) describe the drawing briefly,   2) explain its intended meaning, and then   3) state your point of view.   You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2.   范文:   The drawing shows a man who deposits a small amount of money into the bank and that turns out to be some fortune when he takes away the money later. One might think it is a bank advertisement, but in fact, as the subtitle suggests, it is a promotion that encourages all people to form the habit of exercising.   The artist uses this unique metaphor in order to endow us with the concept that, to habitually exercises is like to deposit money bit by bit in the bank. If we manage to exercise every day for a considerable period of time, the habit would contribute invaluably to our health. I firmly believe that exercise should become a life-long pursuit, part and parcel of our life. In this way, not only will our longevity be greatly lengthened, the improvement and maintenance of health could also lead to a happier life.   At the eve of China's hosting the 2008 Olympic Games, I think it is high time to launch a campaign spurring every citizen to exercise. Though being difficult at the beginning, we should be aware that exercise is a long-term investment that might benefit us even more than our anticipation.   译文:   这幅图刻画了一个男人把一笔钱存入银行,以后当他取出这笔钱的时候已经是一笔不小的财富了。我们可能会以为这是一个银行的广告,但是实际上题目暗示了这是在鼓励人们养成锻炼身体的好习惯。   通过这个独特的比喻,作画者意在让我们接受这样的一个概念,即锻炼身体的习惯就像往银行中一点点地存钱。如果我们坚持在一段时间里每天锻炼,这个习惯对于我们健康的贡献将是无价的。而且我坚信锻炼是一项一生都应该坚持的事情,是我们生活的一个重要组成部分。这不仅能够延长人们的寿命,而且健康的改进和保持会给人们带来一个更加幸福快乐的生活。   因此,在北京举办2008年奥运会的前夕,我认为这是一个非常好的时机发起全民健身的热潮。尽管坚持这个习惯在一开始比较困难,但是我们应该相信锻炼是一种一生的投资,我们可能得到比我们预期更多的收获。   闪光词汇及词组:   deposit: v. 存钱   fortune: n. 财产,财富   endow: v. 赋予

考研英语翻译之锻炼身体   考研初试

  concept: n. 概念   habitually: adv. 习惯地   bit by bit: 一点点地   invaluably: adv. 无价地,非常贵重   lengthen: v. 延长,加长   at the eve: 在......之前   spur: v. 鞭策,刺激   investment: n. 投资   anticipation: n. 期望   句型:   One might think it is... but in fact, as the subtitle suggests, it is...   The artist uses this unique metaphor in order to...   I firmly believe that...   At the eve of ... I think it is high time to...

