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位置:北京语言培训问答 > 北京英语培训问答 > *英语四级口语备考复习资料-英语四六级报名


日期:2019-09-16 19:34:22     浏览:534    来源:天才领路者
核心提示: 2019年5月*英语四级口语备考复习资料,考前你应该:多听多模仿,让自己能正确的读出英语单词,能连贯,流畅的读出英语句子,而且还有句子还有节奏感和音调的起伏变化。如果短时间里很难做到,你至少应该能连贯而流畅地读出英语句

  2019年5月*英语四级口语备考复习资料,考前你应该:多听多模仿, 让自己能正确的读出英语单词,能连贯, 流畅的读出英语句子,而且还有句子还有节奏感和音调的起伏变化。 如果短时间里很难做到,你至少应该能连贯而流畅地读出英语句子;
  备考前你应该:了解四级口语题库中的试题, 知道命题难度和命题特点, 这样可以打有准备之仗;
  备考前你应该:勤练习四级口语考试中的各种题型,熟悉各种主题相关词, 准备一些涉及各个主题,可以脱口说出的句子;了解口语交际中表达态度, 提出问题, 表达邀请, 提出质疑,表达赞同或反对,以及引出新话题的表达方式;
  Travelingbroaden one's horizons/开拓眼界
  Traveling allows us to experience a different culture, meet different people and hear different dialects or languages.
  strengthen one's body/强健体格
  Traveling often involves a long walk in the country or climbing up famous mountains. Either walking or climbing is good for health.
  Reading classic works of literatureclassic works of literature/经典文学作品
  Shakespeare/; Hamlet/哈姆雷特; King Lear/李尔王
  the reality/现实
  human geography/人文地理
  Classic works of literature are informative(使人增进知识的) and instructive (有启发性的). They usually reflect the reality of the era when they were created, conveying to their audience much information about huamn geography of that time and teaching them how to be a man or a woman.
  ways to deal with pressurerelieve pressure/缓解压力
  work pressure/工作压力; family pressure/家庭压力
  peer pressure/来自同龄人的压力
  Most people live under various kinds of pressure: work pressure, family pressure and peer pressure. Too much pressure will do harm to people's health, both physically and mentally. Singing songs, playing games and doing sports are all effective ways to relieve pressure.
  agingaging/老化, 衰老
  aging population: 老年人口
  pension: 养老金, 退休金
  live on a pension: 靠退休金生活
  With an increasing number of aging people, more pension will be needed, which means a bigger burdon will be put on the society. To solve this problem, the government may consider extend the time for retirement and some governments have put it into effect. But there arises a new problem: Elderly people will remain longer in their positions, especially high positions in a company, leaving the job market more competitive for young people.
  To be continnued

*英语四级口语备考复习资料  英语四六级报名

  开篇的打招呼1. Hi, nice to meet you! My name is ...., May I have your name?
  2. Hi, long time no see! How are you doing?
  回应: I am doing well. How about you?
  3. Hi, I heard that you had planned to..., If you don't mind, I'd like to give you some suggestions.
  插话1. I am sorry to interupt you, but I'm afraid I need to add a suggestion here/ ask a question here/ correct your misunderstanding here.
  2. Excuse me, can I say something?
  3. Sorry to cut you off, but just now I got an idea.
  表达完全支持1. You have my full backing on this.
  2. I'm fully behind you on this.
  3. I'm in complete agreement with you on this.
  4. I'm completely on your side on this.
  表达保留意见1. I see your point, but....
  2. I suppose you're right, but...
  3. That's true, but...
  表达不赞同1. I am afraid I can't agree to your arrangement/plan.
  2. I'm sorry, but I have doubts about that.
  3. I am afraid I am not very happey about that.
  邀请发表意见1. What's your views on...?
  2. What are your feelings about...?
  3. What do you think about...?
  4. How do you like my idea?
  5. What's your opinion about...?
  对话中可以用上的语气词1. All right! 太好了! 好啊!太棒了!(表示赞同)
  2. Exactly. 正是如此(表示赞同)
  3. Not exactly. 不完全如此(表示不赞同)
  4. shoot ! 糟了! 坏了!(表示后悔,懊恼)
  5. Hey! 嗨! (用于引起他人注意)
  6. Well,...嗯...,这个嘛...(在一时不知道如何回应时用); 哎呀, 啊!(用于表示吃惊); 那么...(用于引出新话题)
  To be continued.

