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位置:北京语言培训问答 > 北京英语培训问答 > 考研英语写作复习讲解-考研复试


日期:2019-10-19 09:28:28     浏览:37    来源:天才领路者
核心提示: 小编为大家整理考研备考相关内容,希望同学们都顺利备考,进入自己理想的院校暑假马上就结束啦~在考研英语复习的进度上,大家可以把英语写作复习提上日程了。小编为大家整理了“2020考研英语写作复习:热门素材之网络科技篇”的文章

  小编为大家整理考研备考相关内容,希望同学们都顺利备考,进入自己理想的院校 暑假马上就结束啦~在考研英语复习的进度上,大家可以把英语写作复习提上日程了。小编为大家整理了“2020考研英语写作复习:热门素材之网络科技篇”的文章,希望对大家有所帮助。
  As is shown in the picture above, innumerable people are sitting in their isolated rooms, surfing on the Internet. It seems that the Internet has connected people together, because they can chat with other people all over the world, but upon closer observation, we can learn from the picture that people have been separated from each other effectively, because the walls between them restrict them to their own world. The connotation of the picture is to remind us that while the Internet has brought a great deal of convenience and proficiency to us, it also acts as a barrier, prohibiting the face-to-face communication. Undoubtedly, the Internet has its minus and pluses, and it’s necessary to analyze its influences on our life.

考研英语写作复习讲解  考研复试

  On the one hand, the modern technology represented by the internet does have its advantages, such as online shopping, online chatting, and online news, all of which enable us to obtain what we want without travelling thousands of miles, and shorten the distance between people. On the other hand, the dramatic technological changes that have provided us with more communication opportunities have also increased the risk that we will be more alienated from our relatives and friends. The people in the picture may feel lonely after a long time of Internet life. From the analysis above, we can come to the conclusion that we should treat the Internet with a reasonable attitude and use it in a proper way.
  While we enjoy the benefits provided by the Internet, we should not forget that the virtual net world cannot be a substitute for the real world. And we should cherish the intimacy of the face-to-face communication. Only in this way can we have a wholesome life.

