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位置:英语培训资讯 > 雅思培训资讯 > 雅思大作文议论段怎么写,雅思考试作文怎么写啊?要写几段呢?和传统作文有什么区别吗?


日期:2021-07-18 10:59:29     浏览:197    来源:雅思
核心提示:随着国际禁令解封,现在很多人都在为出国留学做打算,但出国留学外语是必备的,今天就随小编来了解一下雅思大作文议论段怎么写,还有这些雅思 | 观点类大作文高分首段怎么写(附范例),雅思作文议论文每段具体该写什

随着国际禁令解封,现在很多人都在为出国留学做打算,但出国留学外语是必备的,今天就随小编来了解一下雅思大作文议论段怎么写,还有这些雅思 | 观点类大作文高分首段怎么写(附范例),雅思作文议论文每段具体该写什么?写几段合适呢?,雅思大作文—讨论型*段6种模板,雅思大作文怎么写?,雅思大作文的让步段,雅思大作文首段怎么写??以此题为例,雅思考试作文怎么写啊?要写几段呢?和传统作文有什么区别吗??? 也是大家所关心的

1.雅思 | 观点类大作文高分首段怎么写(附范例)

我们来看看雅思观点类大作文(opinion-type question)的首段()应该怎么写。观点类大作文题目的问题通常长什么样呢?· Discuss your opinion· Do you agree or disagree?· To what extent do you agree or disagree· Is this a negative or positive trend? ()· What is your opinion?· Do the of this outweigh the ?· Questions that ask is something is ‘more’ or ‘better’ than something else. E.g. More suitable / more / better / bad or good**全文语音点这里:雅思 | 观点类大作文高分首段怎么写(附范例)Opinion type questions will have the above questions or sentences to ask or prompt you to offer your opinion.The strategy (structure) you use to give your opinion depends partly on the statement, partly on your opinion, and also partly on your writing skill level. The most common are:这类题目常见的策略有:*Note: It is critical to have a solid and well-written body 1, as this is the part of the essay the examiner will first look at to ensure you have:*主体段1非常非常非常重要!这一段可以让考官快速了解: the question 你是否正确理解了题目Stayed on topic 是否切题Shown Coherence and Cohesion 字句和语意是否连贯Adequate or advanced usage 词汇水平的高低A variety of sentence 句型的丰富度State your opinion 陈述观点After the statement, and if required, the argument, you need to state your opinion. E.g. In my opinion, I believe______________for the following reasons. Be sure to identify whether the statement in the question is an opinion or a fact. This is critical, as it will affect how you and whether you will make a contrast between the opinion and your opinion by using the word ‘however’, or simply stating your opinion, answering the question about the fact. Example of Statement as of Statement as of Question Statement phrases and words that show the Statement as an opinion:Sometimes there are 2 . The first statement is most likely a fact, and the second statement an opinion. The first ‘fact’ statement is to give or context to the opinion statement. Other Opinion Type Question Samples更多雅思备考技巧,也可关注我的公众号:英语考试Cat雅思 | 观点类大作文高分首段怎么写(附范例)


推荐四段式。其实在官方例文中,四段、五段、甚至六段都有出现,所以都是可以写的。关键是上考场前要确定下自己的段 数,找到最适合自己的结构,然后多写几篇学会使用。推荐四段式是因为它在高 分例文中的比例*,相对也*操作的。建议提前可以报个课外辅导班,掌握一下考试技巧,北京新东方的雅思7分写作班就很不错。


雅思大作文——讨论型*段的三种写法给到三个模板,对模板的认知,基于:1, 模板顺畅了逻辑的走向Templates our logic move/flow2, 我们把学术英语写作当成 writing,于是在*段先让别人说,也就是while others,,,,然后再我们自己说,也就是,I believe …We take academic writing as writing .In order to “you say”, you had better make “they say ” first ,that is why we use “While others think,,,I believe” this sentence pattern. Some people think the range of available to today increase the gap between the rich and the poor, while others think that it has the opposite effect. Discuss both views and give your opinion . 最常规的写法,simon作文和视频里讲的: P11People have different views about whether the use of increases the gap between the rich and the poor.2While some people think it dose , my opinion is the opposite :NOSome people think that there are benefits to using , while others are worried about the impact of AIDiscuss both views and give your own opinion *句写话题背景 P11.We are already in an AI society where everyone could not escape from it.2.Though /while some people concern about the negative impact of it , I believe that AI offers more .折中式写法,我认为双方都起到了作用The number of children in developed countries is . Some people think this is due to problems such as the growing number of fast food outlets. Others believe that parents are to blame for not looking after their children's health.Discuss…Recent of obesity have raised people’s attention. A issue has been whether parents or fast food industry should be blamed for .I contend that the both two to the problem .表达观点的动词除了用I say ,I think ,I believe ,还可以用更新第4种In of …one issue is whether ….Some argue that …;others contend that …My own view is 第5种When it comes to the topic of ….More people would agree that….However ,I maintain that 第6种Nowadays ,…is growing in .However ,we should not let these benefits/ problems blind us to the problems /benefits it may pose/bring . ,I believe that …




让步段这个话题历史“很悠久,”至少十多年前就已经存在于雅思大作文和托福独立写作当中了。下面分成七点来介绍让步段。一、让步段是啥你是正方,让步段就是写反方观点的议论段。这么解释不确切,但确实是最简单的理解方式。让步段写的是反方,目的是让我们正方站的更稳,论述更有力。这就像参加辩论会一样,我承认反方的观点,但是这恰恰证明了我方观点才是最正确也最全面的。看到这样的例子,相信你一定已经明白了为什么要写让步段。二、存在的目的如果按照实话来说,很多基础不好的孩纸们写让步段就一个目的:凑字数。这不应该是任何人写让步段的目的,不过老师不怪孩纸们,你们也怪可怜的。让步段这类的做法,放到辩论会的角度来看目的是以子之矛攻子之盾,但是在写作当中不全然。写作要顾虑到全局,而不是单纯顾虑正方,所以我们写让步段的目的要从大局当中来找。写让步段的基本目的:增加文章的层次感,让议论更加有力。文章原本只有一条线,上面绑着我方的三个分论点,比方说让我同意题干所说的三个原因。我现在加一段不同意的理由,或许做不到镜面的效果,但是一定能让原本的直线分而又和。原本的逻辑主线方向无变化,过程却坎坷了一点,多了个无伤大雅的分歧,这就叫做增加文章的层次感,是一种逻辑上的调整。即使不同意的理由相当充分,也没有一个能盖过或替代同意的理由,这会让议论更加有力。要做到这一点,就要有实践目的地写让步段,从而达到有效地增加文章的层次感这个基本不低。实践目的有三种,分别是突破,反用和抬高。其中的抬高不太适合雅思写作的难度,我们只细讲突破和反用。三、写作的方法接下来,我们用一道2021年考过的真题来做讲解。Although more and more people read news on the internet, newspaper will remain the most important source of news. Do you agree or disagree?我方的观点:I agree with the given statement to a low extent.如果你觉得这句话写的观点是同意,请你去超市买一块豆腐,用你的头把它轻轻撞烂。北方的同学们,严禁买冻豆腐。你们的生命安全比雅思重要了无数倍。三种实践目的对应三类写法。1. 突破逻辑模式:它的确有某种劣势,或者反方确实有道理,但这也意味着它存在或隐藏着另一种好处。例段:承认反方观点Though reading news on the internet has become common, are still as a main source of news in this new era.论述They work effective on local news of a city or a town because finding it online is quite .论述它对我方的意义That is a caution to online news sites that either include local news sections or work mainly on local news. News sites absorbing the remaining of are expected to behave better than its previous design and in the public market. will consider when the time comes.解析:我会尽量用五句话左右来举每个例子,但是不涉及段与段之间的衔接。这段话先承认了反方的观点,说报纸在这个新时代依然是一种不可替代的新闻来源,并且在第二句话给了一个必然的理由。第三句话没有转话锋,但是把第二句的论述跟要比较的对象——新闻网站联系在了一起。我这里写的是,报纸的这一优势是对新闻网站的警示,即报纸弥补了新闻网站在本地新闻领域的不足。但是没关系,只要新闻网站吸收了这报纸仅剩的优势,它在市场上的表现就会优于自己的旧版和传统的报纸,这就是第四句,也是报纸的优势给我方带来的好处。*一句用拟人的手法肯定了报纸在这样的局面下不得不考虑谢幕。这实际上是在打我自己的脸,也就是突破*句话,同时为我方找到了一个新的突破口——新闻网站的整改空间大,而且不受纸张和篇幅的局限。2. 反用一种逻辑方式:它的确有某种劣势,但是这种劣势是暂时的,甚至会演变成优势。例段:承认反方观点Reading news online allows readers to spend more time on online after reading.论述The wasted time is usually more than and growing fast.劣势是暂时的 of have managed to use the wasted time on education and working online ever since they noticed it.优势是必然的Online teaching and working platforms earn quite an amount from the idea as they offer the of short tasks online after reading news. Great time for scattered work and learning is the given to this unstable period of time.解析:在网上看新闻会让我们不由自主地浪费更多时间,这本来是我方劣势。但是,感谢可爱的程序猿,你们的不懈努力让在线教育平台和在线工作平台得以利用这些原本被浪费掉的时间。这些时间本就是散碎的,把它利用起来不仅大家节约了时间,而且这些平台也能赚钱。这一番话看下来,你还会觉得这是我方劣势吗?另一种逻辑方式:它的确有某种劣势,但是这种劣势是相对的,没有这种劣势就无法形成某一种优势。例段:承认反方观点Reading news online harms the sight of readers in long term.论述They face screens while reading news and doing other work afterward.劣势是相对的Erupting incidence of myopia caused by online including reading news has pushed the public focus to eyesight.劣势也是契机Public education picks the chance to involve nearly all and in the society in and of eye .劣势带来优势Online news site is one of the strongest pushing hands at the back of all-people movements about eyesight . One of the most common places to post health education videos and essays about eyesight is another role that online news sights play in long term.劣势不会持续They are going to save the eyesight of more people than those they harmed.解析:*句——在网上看新闻会伤视力,这是个事实。第二句——我承认这是看新闻和浏览网页的时候长时间看屏幕造成的。第三句——近视的发病率因此走向爆发,否极泰来的是这也把公众的注意力转向了保护视力。第四句——公众教育抓住了时机,把几乎所有的社群都囊括进了护眼的科技和文教发展当中。第五、六句——线上新闻网站对于这事来说不仅是*的幕后推手之一,也是这类公众教育资源*的展示平台之一。第七句——相比起被它们伤过眼的人群,它们必将拯救更多人的视力。那么,在网上看新闻会伤视力到底是好事还是坏事呢?这一段讲的其实是歪理,但是逻辑清晰,而且的确是在讲事实。你可以反驳,你的反驳八成是:经常在网上看新闻的确会损伤视力啊。没错,我们没否认这一点。但是,在网上看新闻,从长远角度来说能够保护你的视力。不信?看看上面那一段的论证。有时候说歪理是可以的,而且大多数商业宣传当中蕴含着歪理,你相信歪理是因为它也是用事实来讲的。没有这种劣势就无法形成某一种优势,这也是歪理,它好用是因为这并不是邪说。写让步段讲讲歪理,讲得好是画龙点睛,讲不好那就成了滥竽充数了。四、预期的效果从上面的例段当中不难看出,让步段效果好不好,取决于它和全文逻辑之间配合的好不好。如果配合的好,它是个不错的增色品,预期可以很好;如果配合的不好,甚至压过了正常段落,就毁了全文。这就意味着,除非你非常擅长逻辑设计,否则用让步段存在风险,一定要小心,不会用宁愿不用。问题是,我怎样判断什么时候用它呢?五、什么时候用什么时候可以用让步段,有两个客观标准:1. 写双边的作文不需要让步段。2. 写让步段可以预见让文章复杂化或偏题的前提下,不宜用让步段。除了客观标准以外,写让步段还有一些主观考虑:1. 如果你倾向于简单粗暴地反驳反方论点,让步段与它之前和之后两段之间的逻辑衔接会有麻烦。2. 完全不需要让步段来补充逻辑和凑字数的前提下,建议不用让步段,没必要给自己添麻烦。3. 考试当中想不出让步段能够怎么写,请你马上放弃让步段,以免耽误写作。六、谁更适合用理论上,谁都可以用用让步段,有两种人最适合使用它。一是逻辑设计能力强的考生;二是让步段写得比较好的人;这两类人群擅长驾驭让步段,考场上用它风险比较小。另有三种人不适合用它。一是写作基础不强,写让步段几乎和全文逻辑分开的考生;二是较擅长线性思维的考生,本来己方的几个大点写的相当精彩,加一段自己不擅长的迂回反而耽误了自己的发挥;三是擅长发散性思维、写作的过程中换个方向容易偏题甚至跑题的考生,写个让步段对于这种情况来说容易增加偏题的风险。七、不是必须用让步段终归是小道,用好了能够出奇制胜,但是高分的胜算毕竟很有限。踏踏实实地去学好写作才是一条大道,可以走偏了,但是不要走散了。


 很多考生拿到大作文考题都不知道如何动笔去写开头段,有的会把题目原封不动抄下来,但如果这样做,在统计作文字数时,*段就不被统计在内了。实际上大作文的*段是情景铺垫,在这一段要点明这篇文章要讨论/解决什么问题及问题的背景。作文的首段通常包含以下几个方面:  1)场景或背景信息,即题目中出现的。  2)一些人的观点(some people’s opinion),这部分在改写文章首段时可要可不要,考生可按照自己的情况来安排。  3)个人观点,这一部分在有些文章的开首段中也可以不要。  大作文要求字数至少达到250字,在写作*虑到字数的合理安排,*段*写3-5句话,大约40字左右,并且切忌在*段就掏心掏肺把什么话都说完。因此大作文开首方式通常有以下几种情况:  1)题目中包含了背景信息(),有时也出现一些人的观点,并且题目中字数较多。这种情况下最保险的办法是将题目中的背景信息及一些人的观点重新表达(),可以做:  ●主动语态<=>被动语态  ●主谓宾<=>主系表  ●某些近义词互换  Example:  At present, it is hard for college students to find jobs. Many people claim that college teachers should give priority to practical courses like computer science and business over such ones as history and geography. To what extent do you agree?  → The number of college graduates is surging while a of them have in finding after their . Numerous people blame this on the education and believe that more emphasis should be laid on practical courses such as computer science and business than on courses like history and geography. 其后再加考生自己的观点即可。  2)题目中包含了背景信息,有时出现一些人的观点,但题目中字数较少,若直接重新表达,字数凑不到40字左右。这种情况下我们有2种开首方式来保证字数。  ◆把笼统信息细节化即通过举例来解释说明题目中的背景信息。  Example:   tourism has become a big industry in the world. Do the benefits outweigh the problems?  →The of and high-tech to tourism’s gaining momentum virtually all over the world. Each year,millions of tourists from other countries swarm into china to the scenery and Chinese culture. 其后加入考生个人观点即可。  ◆追溯历史,过去与现在形成对比。  Example:   tourism has become a big industry in the world. Do the benefits outweigh the problems?   →Prior to the early 1900s, the of people traveling abroad was low and the majority of them preferred domestic travel. However, the advent of the motorized flight has greatly changed our life and it makes traveling more . tourism is gaining momentum and has become a big industry. 其后加入考生个人观点即可。  3)题目中仅出现一部分人的观点,而没有背景信息。这种情况下,我们可以根据这部分人的观点所涉及的信息在开首段附加对背景信息的描述。  Example:   The best way to solve the world’s problem is to increase the price of fuel. Do you agree or disagree?  →In the process of and , the scope of problem facing the world is getting immense. From Mexico City and New York to Singapore and China new solutions to this problem are being proposed, tried and . Some people believe the price of fuel is the best approach to this problem. 其后加入考生个人观点即可。  另外考生要注意开首段一定要避免出现语法错误,因为如果语法错误影响文章的理解,那会给考官留下极差的*印象,而考官也就没有信心继续往下读了,最终大作文的得分也不会很高。


其实也有点像八股文小作文的话 一般分为三段 正文中对图表进行阐述 但如果图表有2-3张 正文也可以分为2-3段写大作文都是议论文 讨论观点的题目一般分为4段 正文的两段分别对两种观点进行讨论如果是分析原因并且提出解决方案的话 正文可以写成3段 2段原因 1段解决方案 或者一个原因搭配一个解决方案形成一段希望这个对你有用~


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