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日期:2019-09-04 17:34:32     浏览:325    来源:天才领路者
核心提示:运动话题是雅思口语Part2的常见考题之一,之前有帮大家总结了和打羽毛球相关的语料,除了打羽毛球,很多学生也都会将内容选在游泳方面,下面是雅思口语中关于游泳的话题,一起来了解下吧: 雅思口语中关于游泳的话题  Doyoulikeswimmi

运动话题是雅思口语Part 2的常见考题之一,之前有帮大家总结了和打羽毛球相关的语料,除了打羽毛球,很多学生也都会将内容选在游泳方面,下面是雅思口语中关于游泳的话题,一起来了解下吧:  




Do you like swimming?  


Sure, it’s definitely one of my most favorite sports. I sometimes go swimming with my little brother during the weekends to stay in shape. I always got some fat on my belly if I stop swimming for a while.  


Is it difficult to learn how to swim?  


I think it’s a piece of cake for me. Sometimes people say it’s really hard for you to learn unless you’re forced to try it. It goes the same with swimming. I picked it up just by jumping into the water and trying to imitate others in the pool.  


Where do Chinese like to go swimming?  


Most people loved to swim in the river in the past, to my knowledge. But now, the majority of Chinese peope go swimming in the swimming pool. Because it’s quite safe to swim in the swimming pool, plus, there’s actually no river in big cities like Beijing to swim.  


What’s the difference between swimming in the pool and swimming in the sea?  


It seems that the biggest difference is the level of safety. Obviously, you might easily get hurt by some dangerous creatures or nasty things in the sea water. However, you don’t always worry about the quality of the water in the swimming pool. Because there are staff to help clean the dirts in the water.  



1,Do you think everyone should learn to swim?  

Of course, I think it's very important. Firstly, you spend much of your life on holiday by water, for example, when you go to the beach on holiday, so you won't be able to enjoy yourself with your friends if you can't swim. Also, for safety reasons it's very important. You often hear about sad accidents involving young children so it's very important.  

2。Are there many places to swim near you?  

Yes, there are few public swimming pool in our city. One of them is very close to my house. There is also a big indoor sports complex in our city, wherein there are two or more swimming pools. Also, some outdoor swimming pools available, but one can use them only in summers as they are very cold in the winters.  

3.What do you think are the benefits of swimming (or, the benefits of knowing how to swim)?  

So, knowing how to swim is important, especially for children if they live near water – it could literally save their life if they fell into a river or something like that.  

As for benefits, well, it’s great exercise, full cardiovascular benefits for your heart and it’s also low-impact exercise so people of any age can do it without risk of damaging their joints. And of course, it’s a great way to have fun at the beach with friends – or as we do – at the pool when we’re relaxing.  



– What is this place?  

– Where is it situated?  

– Why is it so popular?  




In my case, I totally dig to dive-in water, whenever I am free from my hectic schedule because swimming is my hobby. My city thrives with a number of places where you can not only enjoy the water sport but also can opt for professional coaching by a veteran, and that too locally. In the neck of my woods, 'The Pool Side', situated at the heart of my city is in vogue these days and attracts a myriad number of visitors, especially on the weekends.  

The main reason behind its popularity is the convenience for both kids and adults as there are two different pools, one which is shallow is for children and trainees while another one is for deep-diving.That is to say that you can enjoy it even if your family is accompanying you. Actually, last weekend one of my friend who is a technical assistant over there demonstrated to me the cutting edge water purification technology installed in order to prevent the transmission of any communicabledisease;  

thus,revealing the peculiarity of being light years ahead than others who don't even pay a heed to change the water on a daily basis. And what else, I cannot pay Nelson's eye to theelbow grease of the trainers who make sure that safety measures are not ignored at any cost. Surely, I would love to recommend this awesome place to each one of my city dweller serious about experiencing adventures in a water pool.  


Describe a popular place where people go swimming.  

You should say:  

where it is;  

what it looks like;  

what kinds of people usually go there;  

and explain why people like to go there.  




There is a swimming center in our school and it is quite popular among students and teachers. It is located near the stadium and it’s only a few minutes away from my dormitory. The swimming center is quite large. There are two pools. One is deep and is prepared for those who are very good at swimming and the other one is relative shallow and it is for children and newcomers. Apart from the pools, there are also changing rooms and a small shop. Most people swim there are students and teachers of the school. Many white-collars who work nearby also like to come here.  

The reason why it is so popular is because it is cheap. It only takes one 5 yuan an hour to swim here. In other swimming centers, it usually takes 15 to 20 yuan an hour. Besides, it is quite clean here. Water here is of high quality. Sanitation workers will clean here several times a day. Sometimes at weekends there are some activities held here like swimming competition. They also help to attract a lot of people. So to us it is not only a place to relax ourselves but also a place to make friends.  
