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位置:北京英语培训资讯 > 北京托福培训资讯 > 总算晓得关于网络谣言的托福作文范文


日期:2019-09-12 14:02:48     浏览:483    来源:天才领路者


  From the picture, we can see it is a newly emergingphenomenon that Internet rumors,like scandalsof both famous and unknown people, fake forecast of earthquakesetc.,have become a serious problem in the virtual world.   With the wide use of the Internet, Internet rumorshave great influence on netizens and other people. Internetrumors have just the negative influence and will definitelyresult in severe consequences if we keep turning a blind eyeto them. For one thing, made-up scandals directly infringeon citizens' rights,affecting their daily life and ruining theirpublic image.  For another, the dissemination of suchrumors as those about social or natural disasters causespanic and disorder in society. Finally, the spread of rumorson the Internet will undermine the credibility of the net to apoint that people will no longer trust it in the future.   Because of the seriousness of Internet rumors, someeffective measures should be taken before the situationdeteriorates. Firstly, it is imperative that laws and regulationsbe enacted and enforced to stop Internet rumors, such asintroducing a real-name system and calling for control andsupervision of the Internet. Secondly .people should beeducated to distinguish the right from the wrong.   深圳资深老师认为,托福范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以深圳为您提供关于网络谣言的托福作文范文的翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发。   我们从图中可以看出,作为一种新的现象,网络谣言—如名人和普通人的丑闻、虚假地震预报等—已经成为虚拟世界中的一个严重问题。   随着网络的广泛应用,网络谣言给网民和其他人带来了巨大影响。如果我们对网络谣言置之不理的话,网络谣言不仅只会产生消极影响,而且必定导致严重后果。首先,虚构的丑闻直接侵犯人权,影响他人的日常生活,损害他人的公共形象。其次,诸如社会或者自然灾害的谣言的传播会造成社会的恐慌与混乱。后,网络谣言将损害网络公信度,以至于人们以后不会再信任网络。   由于网络谣言会造成严重后果,我们需要在局势恶化前采取有效措施。首先,要通过立法与执法来制止网络谣言,如引人实名制、加强互联网控制监管。其次,还要教育人们学会明辨是非。   深圳小编认为,托福写作要想写好,无外乎三点,论证,逻辑及语言。而考生在考前面临的问题之一往往就是,无从提笔,无话可写,无题可论。所以读范文的时候也要从这些方面入手研习。深圳小编希望本篇关于网络谣言的托福作文范文能给大家有所启发。