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位置:北京书画培训资讯 > 北京国画培训资讯 > 总算找到国画的英文作文怎么写


日期:2019-09-13 18:27:51     浏览:714    来源:天才领路者


  Realize Traditional Chinese Painting    认识国画   Chinese painting is a form of Chinese art.In imperial time,painting and calligraphy were the most highly appreciated arts in court circles and were produced almost exclusively by amateurs―aristocrats and scholar―officials―who alone had the leisure to perfect the technique and sensibility necessary for great brushwork.Calligraphy was thought to be the highest and purest form of painting.The implements were the brush pen,made of animal fur,and black inks made from pine soot andanimal glue.In ancient times,writing,as well as painting,was done on silk.But after the invention of paper in the 1st century C.E.,silk was gradually replaced by the new and cheaper material.Original writings by famous calligraphers have been greatly valued throughout China’s history and are mounted on scrolls and hung on walls in the same way that paintings are.   Though Chinese painting has much in common with western painting from an aesthetic point of view,it still possesses its unique character.Chinese traditional painting seldom follows the convention of central focus perspective or realistic portrayal,but gives the painter freedom on artistic conception,structural composition and method of expression so as to better express his subjective feelings.Chinese painting has absorbed the best of many forms of art,like poetry,calligraphy,and seal engraving.   Since the turn of the century,China has experienced great political,economic,and cultural changes,and the art of painting is no exception.While traditional Chinese painting still occupies an important place in the life of modern Chinese,many painters now desire to express their experience of new times.By combining new modes of expression with traditional Chinese painting techniques,they are opening up a vast,new world of artistic expression.   国画作为我国流传的一门艺术,它的涵义已经不仅仅是一幅画了,而是代表着一种民族的精神和信仰。它的空灵婉约、典雅肃穆,都已经通过一个个不同的元素展现出来了,不需要言语的陪衬,它已经向全世界诉说着那古老的故事。人类的智慧是无限的,随着时间的推移,各种新兴的事物不断冲击着老祖宗留下来的遗产,我们应该保护自己的文化产物,然后再去吸收外来的文化。  