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位置:北京英语培训资讯 > 北京雅思培训资讯 > 终于明白雅思写作常见误区3:说理空洞-追求内容的新奇


日期:2024-05-16 10:27:07     浏览:118    来源:天才领路者
核心提示:雅思写作常见误区3:说理空洞,追求内容的新奇--文章来源于: 广州英语培训学校雅思作文考查考生一般写作能力,在这个前提下考试题目的设计以及对考生作文的评判并不涉及专业知识或者要求考生提出任何独特的看法。但长期以来国内教育给考生带进一种误区:

雅思写作常见误区3:说理空洞,追求内容的新奇--文章来源于: 广州英语培训学校


下面是某考生作文练习中的一段话: Fist and foremost,I deem that economic globalization stimulates the inevitable trend of languages degradation. As an illustration. when economic globaliza-tion expands at a rapid pace. it is repuired to study and to imitate each others clue to communicate difficult with others who have a different culture back-ground. Moreover, it can be well demonstrated that more than half number of publications were written in English as well as most international former docu-nients. 这段话没有大的语法错误.但是语言表达却比较混乱.经过修改变为: Fist and foremost .I believe that economic globalization stimulates the trend of language degradation. When economic globalization expands at a rapid pace. It be-comes necessary to study other languages to solve communication problems with people from different culture. Moreover, it can be well demonstrated that more than half of publications and most international formal documents are written in English.--文章来源于: 广州英语培训学校
