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位置:北京语言培训资讯 > 北京英语培训资讯 > 终于理会教育的英语


日期:2019-10-01 11:13:11     浏览:45    来源:天才领路者
  常用句型   The vocational guidance is an important part of vocational education.   职业指导是职业教育工作的重要组成部分。   The lives of many people have been enriched because of adult education.   许多人的生活因为成人教育而变得更加充实。   As the society develops, people are attaching great importance to formal education.   随着社会的发展,人们意识到了正规教育的重要性。   He is now in further education with new career possibilities ahead of him.   他现在正在进修,新的职业发展机会就摆在面前。   The country started special education for mentally retarded children in 1979.   该国于1979年开始对智力发育迟缓的儿童实施特殊教育。   We are talking about the application of heuristic education in English teaching.   我们在讨论启发式教育在英语教学中的应用。   This solution is an ideal tool for effective distance learning.   这个解决方案是有效远程教育的一个理想工具。   Tertiary education follows secondary education.   中等教育之后是高等教育。   A child's access to schooling varies greatly from area to area.   孩子获得学校教育的机会因地区不同而大相径庭。


    实用词汇   vocational education职业教育   adult education成人教育   formal education正规教育   further education继续教育   special education特殊教育   heuristic education启发式教育   off-the-job training脱产培训   distance learning远程教育   tertiary education高等教育   schooling  学校教育   informal education非正规教育   higher education高等教育   secondary education中等教育   physical education体育教育   nursery education幼儿教育   military education军事教育   social education社会教育   vocational training职业培训   preschool education学前教育   elementary education*教育   compulsory education义务教育