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日期:2019-10-04 08:19:56     浏览:226    来源:天才领路者


  实际上,航天科技与我们的日常生活息息相关。根据美国航天局的一份名单,太空探索所取得的成果中共有700多项应用于人们的日常生活。   What is space exploration   什么是太空探索   Space exploration is the use of astronomy and space technology to explore outer space. Physical exploration of space is conducted both by human spaceflights and by robotic spacecraft. While the observation of objects in space, known as astronomy, predates reliable recorded history, it was the development of large and relatively efficient rockets during the early 20th century that allowed physical space exploration to become a reality. Common rationales for exploring space include advancing scientific research, uniting different nations, ensuring the future survival of humanity and developing military and strategic advantages against other countries. Various criticisms of space exploration are sometimes made.   Space exploration has often been used as a proxy competition for geopolitical rivalries such as the Cold War. The early era of space exploration was driven by a “Space Race” between the Soviet Union and the United States; the launch of the first man-made object to orbit the Earth, the USSR’s Sputnik 1, on October 4, 1957, and the first Moon landing by the American Apollo 11 craft on July 20, 1969 are often taken as the boundaries for this initial period. The Soviet space program achieved many of the first milestones, including the first living being in orbit in 1957, the first human spaceflight (Yuri Gagarin aboard Vostok 1) in 1961, the first spacewalk (by Aleksei Leonov) in 1965, the first automatic landing on another celestial body in 1966, and the launch of the first space station (Salyut 1) in 1971.   After the first 20 years of exploration, focus shifted from one-off flights to renewable hardware, such as the Space Shuttle program, and from competition to cooperation as with the International Space Station (ISS).   In the 2000s, the People’s Republic of China initiated a successful manned spaceflight program, while the European Union, Japan, and India have also planned future manned space missions. China, Russia, Japan, and India have advocated manned missions to the Moon during the 21st century, while the European Union has advocated manned missions to both the Moon and Mars during the 21st century. From the 1990s onwards, private interests began promoting space tourism and then private space exploration of the Moon.   In the 2000s, several plans for space exploration were announced; both government entities and the private sector have space exploration objectives. The NASA Authorization Act of 2010 provides objectives for American space exploration.   和平号空间站(peace space station)(俄语:Mиp,兼有“和平”与“世界”之意)是前苏联建造的一个轨道空间站(orbital space station),苏联解体后归俄罗斯。它是人类*可长期居住的空间研究中心,同时也是*第三代空间站。经过数年由多个模块(module)在轨道上组装而成。   通过多国合作,和平号空间站曾经接待过多国的宇航员(astronaut)。值得一提的是和平号航天飞机计划,在此期间美国的航天飞机共拜访空间站11次,带来补给以及乘员替换。和平号由多个模块在轨道上组装而成,*模块于1986年2月19日发射升空,其后至1996年的十年时间之中,其他多个模块相继升空。   2000年年底,俄罗斯联邦航天局(Russian federal space agency,简称RFSA)因和平号部件老化且缺乏维修经费,决定将其坠毁。和平号最终于2001年3月23日坠入地球大气层,碎片落入南太平洋海域中。和平号的研究任务今后由国际太空站所取代。  