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位置:北京语言培训资讯 > 北京英语培训资讯 > 总算发现谈论兴趣爱好的一段英语对话带翻译-领达外语


日期:2019-10-06 09:59:58     浏览:346    来源:天才领路者
  谈论兴趣爱好的一段英语对话带翻译   A: Sarah, you bought a new necklace. How many do you have now?   B: Numerous, I think. Some people have nice simple hobbies like collecting cards and stamps, but I enjoy collecting necklaces. I have a lot of cheap necklaces and of course some expensive ones. How about you?   A: I like collecting stamps, playing guitar, cooking, and doing the housework. And recently I find climbing is also a significant pastime.   A: I like collecting stamps, playing guitar, cooking, and doing the housework. And recently I find climbing is also a significant pastime.   B: You really have a lot of hobbies. How do you find time to keep up with all of them?   A: Hard work, hard play. It's enjoyable to come home after work and spend a little time with my hobbies.  谈论兴趣爱好的一段英语对话译文:   A:萨拉,你又买了串新项链。现在你有多少串项链啦?   B:我想我都数不清了。有些人的爱好很简单,像收集卡片或邮票。但我就是喜欢收集项链。A:我有很多便宜的项链,也有一些贵的。你的业余爱好呢?   B:我喜欢收集邮票、弹吉他、烹饪,还有做家务。近我发现登山也是很好的消遣方式。   A:你的爱好还真不少。你怎么有时间做这么多事呢?   B:认真工作,痛快玩。下班后回家花点时间从事些业余爱好也是很令人开心的。