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位置:北京英语培训资讯 > 北京雅思培训资讯 > 终于懂了关于养宠物的雅思作文范文


日期:2019-10-06 12:17:20     浏览:402    来源:天才领路者
  对于众多烤鸭而言,雅思写作的目标分数是6分。但是在实际考试中,很多烤鸭发现,这个看似不高的6分很难拿到,多看多练是冲击高分基础,珠海环球雅思小编为您整理一些出色的雅思高分范文,本篇是关于养宠物的雅思作文范文,有些人认为人们不应该养宠物,你怎么认为?   Some people think people should not keep pets. What is your opinion?   有些人认为人们不应该养宠物,你怎么认为?     Humans, as a natural part of the animal kingdom, have interacted with the animals around them for the entirety of their existence. One of the defining characteristics of the human race is that we developed the ability to domesticate and eventually tame other species for our use. Despite the vast popularity of pet ownership, especially in more economically developed countries, the question still remains as to whether the practice should be continued.     Those who are in favour of keeping pets would argue that because there are so many pets in the world, it has created a huge industry relevant to their food, leisure and other ancillary products. If keeping pets were to be banned, all the people involved in these industries would lose their jobs, worsening the economic situation.     Another  army  of  people  think  differently.  According  to  the  Pet  Food Manufacturers Association (PFMA), there are around 8 million dogs and 8 million cats in the UK alone in 2011.These vast numbers equate to almost half the households in the country owning a pet, and ownership requires feeding, medical care, the dedication of a considerable amount of time and of course, waste disposal. In an economic climate in which food prices are rising at unprecedented levels the question must be asked as to whether we can afford to look after so many animals. Of course, the impact isn' t just on the people一in America the recession has hit pet owners very hard, and this has lead to increased instances of abandonment and mistreatment. There is also the wider humanitarian question to consider一with the large amount of money spent on looking after pets in comparison to the lack of aid being sent to the poorest nations.     I am personally against the practice of keeping pets. Living creatures deserve the basic rights which captivity denies even though they may have no moral comprehension of their experiences. It is up to human beings, who do have an awareness of these factors, to ensure that these rights are maintained. Beyond this there is the issue of tampering with evolution to change the appearance of animals for our enjoyment. In some countries, cats are declawed and dogs have their tails docked to make them easier to sell一both cruel and painful processes.This interference with the natural process of evolution is morally wrong and in many cases cruel to the animals in question.     以上就是珠海环球雅思小编为您整理的关于养宠物的雅思作文范文,各位烤鸭可仔细研读,取其精华去其糟粕,真正做到素材为己所用,而不能被素材牵着走,当然,建议有条件的烤鸭参加系统的雅思培训班,更快更系统的获得雅思答题技巧。  