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全国统一学习专线 9:00-21:00

位置:北京语言培训资讯 > 北京英语培训资讯 > 总算明了银行服务英语


日期:2019-10-15 17:24:02     浏览:62    来源:天才领路者
  1.兑换外币   1)What kind of currency do you want to change?   您想要换哪种货币?   2) Please tell me what note you want.   请告诉我要什么钞票。   3) I would like to exchange RMB for US dollars.   我想用人民币换美元。   4) I'd like to know if you could change this money back into U.S. dollars for me.   我想知道能否把这笔钱换回美元。   5) Could you change these French francs for me?   能给我兑换这些法国法郎吗?   6) Can you change 100 dollars in Swiss francs for me?   能否给我兑换!00美元的瑞上法郎?   7) I'd like to change my money into U.S. Dollars.   我想把钱换成美元。   8) And how much will it be in Japanese currency?   换成日本币是多少?   9) Would you kindly sign the exchange form, giving your name and address?   请在兑换单上签字,写下您的姓名和地址好吗?  


       2.兑换零钱   1) Can you change some money for me, please?   能否请你给我兑换一些钱?            2) How would you like it?/ In what denominations?        你要什么面值的?   3) Please tell me how much you want to ch-ange.   请告诉我你要换多少。        4) Will seven tens be all right?   7张10元的可以吗?   5) I'd like some coins for this note.   我想把这张纸币换成硬币。   6) I'd like to break this 50-dollar bill.   我想把这张50美元纸币换开。   7) Five twenties and ten singles, please.   请换成5张20元和10张一元的。   8) Would you please give me seven five-pound notes, four pound notes and fourten-shilling notes, and the rest in small change.   请你给我7张5镑纸币,4张1镑纸币,4张10先令纸币,剩下的要零票。   3.询问外汇率   1) What rate can you give?   你们提供的兑换率是多少?   2) What's the exchange rate today?   今天的兑换率是多少?   3) Please tell me the current rate for sterling.   请告诉我英国货币的现行兑换率。   4) If you wait a moment, I'll find out the rate of exchange.   请等一会儿,我查一下兑换率。   5) It's 470 yuan for 100 dollars.   100美元可兑换470元。   6) These dollars are worth 1,000 yuan.   这些美元可换1000元。   7) The exchange rate today is 200 yen to apound.   今天的兑换率是1英镑可兑200日元。   8) How much would I get for 300 Japanese yen?   300日元可兑换多少钱?