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日期:2021-08-19 20:10:03     浏览:313    来源:天才领路者
核心提示:西安地处关中平原中部,北濒渭河,南依秦岭,八水润长安。在英语中也有关于写西安的作文题材,那你想知道写西安的英语作文怎么写吗?下面是小编收集整理的一些写西安的英语作文短篇,大家一起来看看吧! 写西安的英语作文短篇一: Ancientcapit



Ancient capital Xi'an is a noted historic and cultural city shining the light of ancient civilization and high technology. Xi'an,once called Chang'an, is one of the four ancient capitals of the world. Setting foot on this ancient ground, you can feel ancient customs and rhymes everywhere, which have been widely read by literati and people with literary reputation for thousands of years. This famous tourism city is created by the sediment of historical culture. Xi'an,a city that let people linger on with no thought of leaving has long enjoyed the good name of the“General History Museum”.

古都西安,一颗闪烁着古代文明和高科技之光的历史文化名城。西安古名长安,是世界四大古都之一。踏上这古老的黄土地,无处不在的是千古文人(literati)名士 (people with literary reputation)传诵于世的古风古韵。历史文化的沉积,造就了一个有名的旅游城市。西安,这座让游人流连忘返的城市,在很久以前就享有“通史博物馆(General History Museum ) ”的美誉。  




My home village is a small one.It’s in Xi-an Province.Small as it is,it’s very beautiful.There are many hills around my home village and they are more beautiful than some big mountains.In spring,we can fly kites which are made by ourselves on the top of the hills.The kites fly very high.In summer,the trees are green and the grass is green,too.It is green everywhere on the hills.There are so many wild apple trees on the hills.The wild apples are nice to eat.In autumn,the corns under and around the hills are ripe.So we eat them almost every day.In winter,when it snows,all the ground is covered with snow.We can play with snow and sometimes we eat the clean snow with sugar.In my hometown the sky is blue,the air is clean,the water is sweet and the people are very friendly.I love my hometown!  


Xi'an (Chinese:西安)is the capital of the Shanxi province in the People's Republic of China .As one of the oldest cities in Chinese historyXi'an is one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China because it has been the capital of some of the most important dynasties in Chinese historyincluding the ZhouQinHanthe Suiand Tang dynasties.Xi'an is the eastern end of the Silk Road .The city has more than 3100 years of historyand was known as Chang'an (traditional Chinese:长安).

Long holidays are usual during Spring FestivalLabor Holiday (1-7 May)and National Holiday (1-7 October).The number of travellers is often greater during Summer (May-August)although the most pleasant season for visiting Xi'an is Autumn.  


Xi'an high-rise buildings,and some ancient artifacts buried in the ground.My home water is relatively small,but not rare,and now the protection of water resources.

My hometown is very beautiful,I love it,I love it the Wild Goose Pagoda,as it is high,but also interesting,very good play.I also love it that the ancient houses,because of its roof and pillars are good colors,very beautiful.I also like to eat snacks in Xi'an,Xi'an snacks are:Rouga Mo,Liangpi children,barbecue .really countless,people still want to eat eat!
