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位置:北京语言培训资讯 > 北京英语培训资讯 > 总算知晓描写三亚美景英语作文


日期:2019-10-19 16:04:53     浏览:474    来源:天才领路者
核心提示:三亚市别称鹿城,又被称为东方夏威夷,位居*四大一线旅游城市三威杭厦之首,拥有全岛最美丽的海滨风光。那你想知道描写三亚美景英语作文怎么写吗?下面是小编收集整理的一些描写三亚美景英语作文,大家一起来看看吧! 描写三亚美景英语作文篇一: Dur



During the winter, my father and a friend Wushu Shu fly through a three-hour flight from Beijing to the cold climate of Sanya hot, as if moved from fridge microwave oven. Differences in climate motherland is so great, really a wonderful feeling!

To Sanya, we find a place to live and settle down. From the next day, we started an interesting Sanya tourism. Longevity is the first attraction we went to. Lush flowers and trees in the mountains. Longevity is the most significant feature is a more than 100 meters high statue of Buddha.

We went to the Bay. Where thin white sand, sea blue and clear. That morning we swim. In the afternoon, the sea at high tide, and we went to the depths of the sea, a big wave came, we were rushed ashore. so fun.

Then, we came to the ends of the earth, where the weather is very hot, we have to cool off, slowly walked into the sea. Start the water just knee, suddenly, came a big wave, our whole body wet. Hey, wet it in the water for a while and then play it.

We have a hot soak. This is not a general hot springs, hot springs where fish live a way of life in hot water, they eat your feet dander, fish biting my feet skin, itch, especially fun.

The beach is our paradise. We play all kinds of games, such as heap dunes, sand ball ... do. One of the most interesting is buried shoes to let others find. Others not to be found, let me find, and finally even I could not find on your own, I feel strange, I thought:?! I could not find it, how to find someone that I would no longer let others find it a buried me I kept thinking buried one, boy children! I just only the second burying, stood up, and the results of previous exactly the same to everyone happy to laugh, I do not know how it was.

The last day, we went Wuzhizhoudao. It is an island Well, of course, by boat to myself. Windy day, the waves of chaos Lao Gao Lao Gao, past the boat from the waves, there will be a feeling out of control, really fun.

We play a total of six days in Sanya every day we have a special pleasure, feel special, so I broadened my horizons. This time travel, so I was fully relaxed, full of spirit I greet the arrival of the new semester.  

