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位置:北京语言培训资讯 > 北京英语培训资讯 > 总算懂了日常办公英语


日期:2019-10-24 17:30:33     浏览:154    来源:天才领路者
  情景互动   A: You don't make any prior appointment. do you?您预先没有约定,对吗?   B : No. I haven't. but I'll take only a few minutes of his time.没有,我只占用他几分钟时间。   A : This is Jack Smith. Can I have extension 405?我是杰克·史密斯。您能帮我接405分机吗?   B : Certainly, hold on, please .I'll  put you through.好的.请稍等,马上为您接通。   A:Good morning. Mr. Smith.Would you like me to give you a report of your itinerary now?早晨好,史密斯先生.我可以向你报告一下你的行程吗?   B: Of course, please come in. Anne.好的.请进来·安妮。   A: Sit down. How could you like to proceed with our business talk?请坐.   您看该怎样进行这次商业洽谈呢?   B : I'd like to get the ball rolling by talking about prices.我就从价格方面开始谈吧。   A : Shall I punch out for you, Jack? I'm leaving now.杰克,要我帮你打下班卡吗?我现在要走了。   B : No. thanks. I've got to work overtime.不用了,谢谢。我得加班。


    常用表达   1.电子邮件   Have you got my e-mail address?你有我的电子邮件地址吗?   ►Please c-mail it to me. if you can.如果可以的话.请用电子邮件传给我。   ►Please read the e-mail.请看邮件。   ► Did you receive my e-mail?你收到我的电子邮件了吗?   2.打印   Please copy this contract.请复印这份合同。   ► I want to make ten copies of this document.我想复印10份文件。   ►There's some paper stuck in the machine.机器卡纸了。   ► Would you please type this report for me?能帮我打印这份报告吗?   ►I'll have it typed up right away.我马上就把这个打印好。   3.传真   I want to send a fax to Sydney.我想往悉尼发一份传真。   ► The fax machine is out of paper. too.传真机也没纸了。   ► Would you let me know your fax number?可以告诉我您的传真机号码吗?   ►It is clear to send.很清楚,可以传。   ► The fax just arrived two minutes ago.传真两分钟前刚到。   4.订购办公用品   I'd like to order 3 filing cabinets.我想订购3个文件柜。        ►I need some stationery.我需要一些文其。   ►I'd like to replace that old computer.我想换掉那台旧电脑。   ► I'll get on that at once! Anything else?我这就去办!还要别的吗?