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位置:北京语言培训资讯 > 北京英语培训资讯 > 终于理解健身-英语怎么说


日期:2019-10-31 19:39:56     浏览:156    来源:天才领路者
  现在都市生活压力越来越大,我门亚健康状况也是日益严重,合理减压健身才能享受健康的人生,运动健身不失为一种好方法。   交流应急句   1 .I'm starting to lose weight since I started going to the gym!   自从我开始去健身房后,我的体重减轻了。   2 .How much does a gym membership cost?   成为健身房会员需要多少钱?   3 .I want to sign up for a gym membership.   我想报名成为健身房的会员。   4 .I need to go to the gym more.   我需要多去几次健身房。   5 .Do you have to pay a membership fee?   你要付会员费吗?   6 .I went to the health club to work out.All my muscles are sore.   我去健身俱乐部锻炼去了,全身肌肉酸痛。   7 .I need a personal trainer.   我需要一个私人教练。   8 .Wow, that was a great workout.   哇,健身效果真好!   9 .Do you know where the Iocker room is?   你知道更衣室在哪儿吗?   10 .I feel a mission bucks after that.   做完运动我感觉好舒畅。

健身 英语怎么说

         情景对话   A:I need to go to the gym more.   B:Why?   A:I'm getting out of shape.   B:You Iook fine.   A:Well, sure I Iook fine but I feel horrible.   B:Well, Iet's go this weekend then.   A:All right .Are you a member?   B:Yeah .I am a member at the golden beach fitness club.   A:Oh, really?I heard that place was good.   B:Yeah, I have a personal trainer and everything.   A:Well, sign me up .I'm in!   A:我需要多去健身房了。   B:为什么?   A:我的体型都走样了。   B:你看起来还好啊。   A:嗯,我看起来当然还好,不过我感觉很糟糕。   B:哦,那这周末我们一起去吧。   A:好的,你是会员吗?   B:是啊,我有一个私人教练还有其他的待遇。   A:哦,我也报名。我也要加入会员!