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位置:北京英语培训资讯 > 北京雅思培训资讯 > 总算知晓关于颜色的雅思常用口语对话


日期:2019-11-07 20:02:19     浏览:132    来源:天才领路者
  我们生活在由五颜六色组成的地球上,每种色彩都有它自身的存在意义。红色代表热烈、黄色代表希望、蓝色代表平静、绿色代表健康.....,你爱的颜色是什么呢?以下是由佛山小编为您整理的关于颜色的雅思常用口语对话。   1. What's your favorite color?   你喜欢什么颜色?   Ever since I was a kid,I've liked yellow. When I was little,I would always make my mom buy me yellow shoes and clothing. I like how yellow is so bright and warm,kind of like the sun.   从小时候起,我就一直喜欢黄色。小时候,总是要求妈妈给我买黄色的鞋子和衣服。   我喜欢黄色那种明亮和温暖的感觉。就像太阳一样。   2.Do you usually wear clothes in this color?   你经常穿这个颜色的衣服吗?   Not really. As I am getting older,I think I prefer to wear clothes in other primary colors like red and blue. as well as solid colors like black and white.   不会。现在我越来越成熟了,更想穿其他原色调的衣服,比如红色和蓝色,还有其他纯色的衣服,比如黑色和白色。   星级词汇:   primary color原色调     solid color纯色   3. Are there any colors that have a special meaning in your country?   在你的*.有没有什么颜色是有特殊含义的?   Yes,definitely. In China,white is often associated with death and funerals. Yellow can represent royalty or hope. Red stands for luck and wealth.   肯定有的。在*.白色经常和死亡以及葬礼联系在一起。黄色象征皇室的尊贵或希望。红色代表好运和富裕。   星级词汇:   funeral n.葬礼   4 .What color would you choose to paint the walls in your room?   你会选什么颜色来刷你房间的墙壁?   I would say white. The main reason is that it makes the room feel larger and is a good background for hanging up my own posters,photos and other types of decorations.   我会选白色,主要是因为它能让房间看起来更大.而且白色作为底色,更适合张贴海报、照片和其他装饰。   星级词汇:   poster n.海报   以上是由佛山小编为您整理的关于颜色的雅思常用口语对话的全部内容。