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位置:北京语言培训问答 > 北京英语培训问答 > 英语四级新闻听力练习分享--英语四六级


日期:2019-09-23 10:56:27     浏览:397    来源:天才领路者
核心提示: 下面小编跟大家一起了解英语四级新闻听力练习分享,希望对大家的学习有所帮助。 一、听力练习 1. A.Byusingmoreartificialfertilizer. B.Byexpandi

  A. By using more artificial fertilizer.
  B. By expanding farming area.
  C. By planting genetically engineered seeds。
  D. By increasing biodiversity.
  A. The researchers studied records of about 7,500 homes in 300 villages in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
  B. Farmers in areas with about half the local biodiversity lost two times as much money when droughts struck their areas during the growing season.
  C. The researchers found farmers plant more different crops in areas with higher biodiversity.
  D. The researchers found that being close to forests helped farmers' incomes.
  Farmers can make their fields more productive by having many kinds of plants and animals. That is the finding of a team of international researchers. They were studying how farmers can avoid big losses from extremely dry weather. The researchers found that having biodiversity in natural areas near agricultural land helps farmers financially during periods of little or no rainfall. The researchers studied records of about 7,500 homes in 300 villages in Asia, Africa and Latin America. Experts considered a connection between the number of plant species in an area and how strongly drought affected the earnings of local farmers. The researchers had expected that greater local biodiversity would help farmers, and it did. Farmers in areas with about half the local biodiversity lost two times as much money when droughts struck their areas during the growing season.
  The reason for this was not what experts had expected, however. At first, experts thought, maybe farmers "plant more different crops in areas with higher biodiversity." But that was not what the researchers found. Even when they accounted for the effects of greater crop diversity, the researchers found that just being close to natural areas improved farmers' earnings. The researchers also found that being close to forests helped farmers' incomes. They said, because forest growth is less tied to a growing season, income from forest products could help farmers in time of drought. The research team said that policies that support biodiversity may help ease economic pressures on farmers affected by drought.

英语四级新闻听力练习分享    英语四六级

  Question 1: According to the news report, what is mentioned to be effective to increase agricultural productivity?
  Question 2: According to the news report, which of the following statements about the research is not correct?
  1. productive: resulting in or providing a large amount or supply of something 多产的,富饶的
  2. biodiversity: the number and types of plants and animals that exist in a particular area or in the world generally, or the problem of protecting this 生物多样性
  3. account for: to form the total of something (在数量上)占
  一项涵盖23个热带*7,500多户家庭的大数据研究表明,自然生物多样性可以成为农村农民抵御干旱和其他与天气有关的冲击的有效保障。 自然生物多样性保护农村农民免受热带气候冲击的收入 UBC土地和食品系统食品和资源经济学助理教授Frederick Noack与苏黎世联邦理工和日内瓦*的同事一起研究自然生物多样性是否有助于缓解农民的收入抵御天气冲击。他们发现,生物多样性较大的地区的农民受干旱影响的收入低于生物多样性较少的同龄人。他们的计算还表明,一个地区内一半物种的损失将使天气极端事件对收入的影响加倍。该研究首次将生物多样性与这种规模的收入直接联系起来。早期的研究表明,生物多样性可以稳定生物量的生产,如田间的树叶或森林中的树木,但不能说明农民如何转化为实际收入。这些数据来自拉丁美洲,亚洲和非洲的热带*,随着地球大气层变暖,预计极端天气会增加。分析表明,保护自然生物多样性可以在减轻农村家庭贫困方面发挥重要作用。
  Question 1: D
  Question 2: C

