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位置:北京语言培训问答 > 北京英语培训问答 > 英语四级写作真题合集分享-英语四六级


日期:2019-09-24 12:47:15     浏览:414    来源:天才领路者
核心提示: 英语四级写作真题合集,通过阅读和学习考试真题,可以了解出题人的出题思路和方向;同时,认真研习范文也有利于为自己的四级写作打下基础,希望准备四六级考试的小伙伴加油吧! Aharmoniousrelationship

  A harmonious relationship between parents and children may bring a family great happiness, arouse their enthusiasm for life, help them to enjoy love, and benefit children’s personality and overall development. Thus, as a youngster, I deem that it is of great necessity for parents and their kids to respect each other and communicate as equals.

英语四级写作真题合集分享  英语四六级

  To begin with, in the past, it was a common phenomenon that many parents dominated their kids' life, work and even marriage. A case in point is the fact that a host of parents forced their children to attend various training classes, ignoring their kids' interest. Even if the majority of parents think that they do everything for their children’s benefit, it is advisable for them to respect their children because children will do better in life and studies if they feel respected. In addition, a considerable number of youngsters find it difficult to communicate with their parents smoothly, since their parents are accustomed to commanding them to do certain assignments. In my view, both parents and children should bear in mind that equality is the basis of effective and pleasant communication, especially when kids reach their teenage years or adulthood.
  The above-mentioned are simple but enlightening suggestions based on my life experiences. I am convinced that parents and their kids, sparing no efforts to follow the above suggestions, can create a enjoyable, comfortable and promising family atmosphere.

